Broad Scale Clearing

Queensland Fauna Consultancy (QFC) has provided Fauna Spotter Catcher services to some of the largest broad scale clearing efforts overseen by Fauna consultants. Our efforts have included not only management of conservation significant species but all faunal biodiversity within large areas. We have effectively implemented strategies that are mindful of long term ecological values with subsequent relocation of thousands of individual animals from frogs to arboreal and terrestrial mammals, reptiles including large snake species and birds.

Our methodologies consider both mitigatory measures for fauna as well as working alongside machinery operators and assisting them to achieve their operational timeframes. We believe that fauna management is not a hindrance to infrastructure installation but can be effectively implemented to compliment the overall project outcomes with respect to environmental and construction timeframe targets.

The scale of broad scale clearing is often achieved with a number of clearing fronts and requires a team of operators rather than individuals. QFC has a number of highly experienced staff available to it, so is capable of staffing even the largest operations.

Broad Scale Clearing