Queensland Fauna Consultancy
Queensland Fauna Consultancy is a specialist fauna management company providing comprehensive fauna spotter catcher and ecological interpretive services to Queensland. We aim to service businesses throughout Queensland and interstate by providing necessary environmental information and management strategies for new, existing and future developments.
Our specialist team is able to deliver a range of fauna based services through skilled and experienced staff in the areas of Fauna Survey; Fauna Spotter Catcher, specialist Koala Spotter and Fauna Management, including species of high conservation significance. Our strategies cater for small to large scale development and infrastructure projects such as new mine installations, dam footprints and linear projects such as pipeline, energy and road infrastructure.
Queensland Fauna Consultancy (QFC) biologists have environmental experience within a wide range of biotypes throughout Queensland and beyond, encompassing terrestrial, aquatic and arboreal habitats. Our consultants are highly proficient in the identification and survey of all wildlife including birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.
We are committed to assisting you with all areas involving the understanding and management of our unique natural heritage in light of infrastructure expansion. Our motivation lies in providing effective, efficient and informative services to facilitate our clients in achieving their goals as we endeavour to reach ours.
EVNT survey & identification
With a particular emphasis on the effective management of Endangered, Vulnerable and Near Threatened (EVNT) species listed under legislative instruments, we provide pre clearance survey and species specific searches aimed at facilitating the requirements of your project. Having conducted numerous surveys at multiple localities across Queensland for linear and broad scale clearing projects our knowledge of conservation significant species embraces all fauna groups.
Safety commitment
The safety of our staff and the people they work alongside is our highest priority. QFC has developed documented safety plans including a dedicated Health Safety Environment and Community Management Plan, Safety Health and Environmental Work Method Statements (SHEWMS), Hazard and Risk Management Procedures, Company Policies and Training, Induction and Competency Protocols to ensure a continued commitment to safe work practices. We believe the services we provide are able to be implemented alongside a continued and dedicated commitment to a safe working environment.
Contact Info
Queensland Fauna Consultancy
2 Sandalwood Street,
Sinnamon Park, Qld 4073.
Office: (07) 3376 9780
Mobile: 0408 183 580
Contact us form
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Featured Species

Golden-tailed Gecko
(Strophurus taenicauda) The Golden-tailed Gecko Strophurus taenicauda is synonymous with the southern and central Brigalow regions of Queensland. It is a species of conservation significance currently listed as Near Threatened under the Queensland Nature Conservation...